- The Spinzilla group on Ravelry has been buzzing with numbers. Teams are checking in with the group totals. The final tally will be announced on Friday, just a few more hours before we know which team spun the most yards. It is so nice to read about handspun yarns being talked about in the number of MILES spun!
I am on Team Storey Publishing, and have loved every minute of getting to know some of the spinners on the team. Not only was I lucky enough to make some new friends, but I also lucked out on one of the daily drawing for prizes on our team. Henry , Team Captain Bonnie’s sweet little birdy ,who with out a doubt rules the house, pecked my name from the ticket bowl! I found my lovely prize in this morning’s mail. I had to immediately fill this beautiful wood yarn bowl with my latest project on the needles, Anne Hanson’s Sugarfrost from FIFC 2012.

This yarn bowl is made by Carl Tubbs. The wood is Ash and has such a warm smooth feel to it. I love the swirls of grain and the glow that emanates from them. Hand made tools always make my work so much more enjoyable, and I am looking forward to spending hours knitting with this bowl holding my yarn:)
I am still trying to find where Carl and Christine Tubbs sell their bowls, and I will add a link just as soon as I get that info! UPDATE…I now have the Info!!! Carl also has a full time job so not a lot of bowl listed right now but go check out the beauties he has listed HERE The only complaint I have is that Carl has not signed his work of art. If I am ever lucky enough to meet them in real life, I will be begging Carl to sign my bowl!
I have to toot my own horn a little, sorry, but I just can’t help myself. This post was made by the Spinzilla moderators in the Yardage total discussion thread for Spinzilla…..
We’ll be posting updates as our count begins here:
We have over 300 spinners accounted for and more coming in every minute. Deadline for Team Captain’s is 8pm EST tonight (Wednesday Oct 16th). We have just begun the happy task of recording all the entries. So far the highest yardage from an individual team member we have recorded is Cheryl Newhouse of TeamStorey with 16,852 monster yards!
EEEEEEK, That’s ME! It’s quite possible that someone will be checking in with more, but for now I am tickled PINK!! well, more like Purple, because after all I am a Purple Girl at heart:)
It’s a weird mix of emotions reading posts of people commenting on the amount I have spun. My ego has gotten quite a boost, but I know I didn’t do any where near my personal best of 24,000 yards spun and plied in a week’s time. Some of you may remember seeing these pictures…

This was a 8.5 months of spinning for Anne Hanson’s Knitspot’s 2011 Fall in Full Color Club…..but that is a story for another day.
For now I will reply to all the lovely compliments “thank you…..but just wait until next year!!!!!!”
Now I do believe it is time for a little prize! As a reward for all the new and old readers of the blog along with celebrating a successful Spinzilla! Leave a comment on this posting before Midnight October 31st Pacific Mountain Time, and enter for your chance to win one of the skeins of yarn I spun for Spinzilla. This is a 435 yard skein of two ply Bam Huey in a lace weight of about 18-19 wpi, in the High Tides colorway. The yarn is hanging to dry right now, so I don’t have a good picture, but I will post one soon. If you look close you can see the teal skein in the basket before it was washed. Winner will be chosen by using a random number generator.

Now all that remains is to wait for the Spinzilla results………..
Until next time, Happy Spinning and Knitting!
Cheryl <^..^>
UPDATE! My 16,852 yards held up as most yards spun by and individual! The skein of Bam Huey being given away is dry and here is an updated picture!

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