Yarn is on the top of my to do list. No, not make yarn…..LIST yarn!! Running a website is NOT my cup of tea. I love to dye, spin, and knit, but I HATE to list. I did a little inventory of yarn recently and found that I had a lot of handspun yarn that was not listed in my shop…….I mean A LOT!!!!!

yes, that is my friend Kathy’s dining room table. I was Llama/dog/house sitting for her this past week. As always I took advantage of her lovely house to spread out. My project this time was to take pictures of all my handspun yarn that isn’t listed in New Hue Handspuns. It was a big job, made harder with having to figure out how to down load and edit pictures with the new windows 10. I did add a few new words to my vocabulary, but I won’t share them here 🙂 I got about 3/4 of the yarn photographed. Next project is to make the listings. My goal is to have a whole lot of new yarn listed in the shop by end of day Thursday 8/20/15.
Care to take a guess on how many skeins of handspun yarn are there? The table was so full of yarn I had to take the picture from the upstairs balcony. Here is another picture, just because I think it is kinda cool.

I had two other projects on my list to accomplish during my stay. One was to work on my latest display shawl in Bam Huey Handspun Yarn. I did get about 3/4 done and can’t wait to finish it. I’m being smart this time around and writing down the pattern as I knit it. I plan to showcase this shawl in my booth at the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival. I should have the finished shawl, pattern, yarn, and fiber all available at the show. I just realized that I don’t have an up to date picture of the shawl to share with you, but by next posting I should have some progress pictures.
The last project on my list was to watch all 3 seasons of Once Upon A Time on Netflix. Yup I did it! Each show is about 44 minutes and I watched all 66 of them!!!! I started about 3pm on Wednesday and finished the last one at 3 pm on Saturday. I did the Portland Marathon once, that was enough, but a good T.V. marathon I can do over and over again! I need to start thinking about what movie/show marathon I want to do for the week long Spinzilla. I’m determined to spin even more than last year and I need some viewing suggestions.
I had a great little vacation at Kathy’s. I’m refreshed and ready to get to work on that website. Here is a parting shot, it’s not yarn, but is sure is a nice view from the deck!

Until next time, take care, Happy Spinning, and Knitting,
Cheryl <^..^>
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