Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber club is now open, even while we are in the process of moving…….a VERY long slow process!! We sold our house almost 2 years ago and moved into my Mother-in-Law’s basement apartment. The plan was to help MIL through her two knee replacements and search for a new house. Our goal was to be back in our own home in 1-2 years. June 2nd 2016 we purchased our new home!

We are taking a year to fix up the house and move in. Only 6 more months to go. The painting is 90% done, some kitchen tile, and a load of gravel to spread for walk ways/fire break to go….then it will finally be time to have my studio put in! Once my studio is in, it is good bye Portland, Hello Richland 🙂 The best new is that I have been able to keep up with my dyeing and spinning though out it all. Which brings me to the title of this post…. Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club!
Sign up for this year’s fiber club is now open. This year it will be an explosion of color. Each month of the Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club will bring a new colorway to the Bam Huey line. There are HUGE savings for joining early. Purchase your membership before the end of day December 15th 2016 to get the best savings.Bam Huey Cub purchase options here.

Each month, after shipping club orders I will post pictures and samples of how one can spin up the new colorway. When I develop a new colorway I have a plan in mind as to how it should be spun to achieve the outcome I am looking for. Of course you can spin the fiber ANY WAY YOU WANT, but I thought you might be interested in seeing my intent. I plan to spin each colorway in 4 different styles, and hopefully knit up into a sample so you can see how different one colorway can be. My hope is that club members will experiment and share pictures of their spinning. Postings will be made here on my blog, New Hue Handspuns Facebook Page. and New Hue Handspuns Ravelry group
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