Sunset is here!

1 of a Kind Sunset is the June colorway for the Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club. I blended 14 different dyes creating this colorway. I allowed the colors to bleed into the next without any control so while each batch is painted the same way, each is unique in how it combines……thus the name, 1 of a Kind Sunset.
This month’s gradient sunset colors were spun end to end then done in a Navajo 3 ply chain and added on to the year-long scarf.

Not everyone is fond of such bold colors. To mellow out the colors I separated the dark color fiber and spun it on one bobbin at a lace weight. The yellows and oranges I spun up on another bobbin in a light fluffy fingering weight. I then plied the lace around the fingering weight single. The resulting yarn is a barber pole that knits up “tweedy”.

I experimented with different ribbing while knitting this sample. The cuff end starts with a 2×2 rib, then changes to a 1×1 rib, followed by 1×3 rib and lastly a 1×7 rib. It was very interesting to see how the handspun yarn behaved differently. The 2×2 showed the yarn to be reasonably smooth, yet when switched to the 1×1 every little bump in the yarn showed. the 1×3 was the smoothest, and the 1×7 made a nice smooth flat material with a little bit of interest.
The next section is a 2 ply fingering weight. I split the fiber length wise spun and plied randomly. The seed/moss stitch is one of my favorites to show off short stripe yarns, the bumps give it texture that breaks up the straight lines of color.

I’m still working on the lace portion that is a 2 ply gradient. I have been using these samples to play with stitch and yarn combinations. I’m trying to expand to writing my own lace patterns so all this experimenting is slowing down my knitting speed….the good thing is that I am learning lots! Most important lesson so far is BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU DID!!!!! Are you like me and tell yourself “I will remember this, it’s so simple I couldn’t forget”…… yeah right. Do yourself a favor and just write it down 🙂

The fun part about these sample knits is that they are turning out to be thigh high leg warmers….kinda cute, but there will never be a matching pair…should be fun to wear some day! Once I get my legs into shape I will have to show some of these finished leg warmers off. In a few months I will be living here full time…give me a few week of walking to the mail box and these legs will be ready to rock these colorful knits!!!

Hope you enjoy spinning the Bam Huey 1 of a kind Sunset! More will be
available at New Hue Handspuns Bam Huey Listing soon!
Some of you may be asking “what happened to May’s Marionberry Blueberry Swirl blog? The answer is I DON’T KNOW! I’ve somehow lost it and all the pictures too. The video is up but I will have to re-do the pics and blog in the next few days….
Until next time….Happy Spinning!
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