A new routine is in the making. I’m one of those types that likes a set routine, I do soooooo much better in life when I know what I am doing, when I am doing it and when it needs to be done. Selling our house of 28 years and moving in with family has been very disruptive to my normal routines. Rather than continue the battle of trying to fit my old routines into the new situation I’ve decided that a new routine is a MUST if I am going to be successful for the year or so until we move. This is going to be a big job for this hermit, and Number One on the routine list is going to be finding a day, time, and place that I can be alone with my thoughts long enough to blog about my fiber world. Here is my first step……Not quite a She-Shed, but I am staking out my own little corner of the yard where no one can see me:)

Declaration of Routine #1: every morning after watering the veggies I spend time with coffee and computer in my little hide away!
Speaking of veggies…..take a look at what those little seeds and starts from a few weeks ago turned into!!!!

My time in my little hide away is coming to an end (hubby just promised me french toast with fresh blueberries for breakfast…not going to pass that up…lol). Sorry I didn’t get to much for fiber content today…… How about I leave you with a lovely picture from Black Sheep Gathering…..

Time to go, the french toast and blueberries are calling my name…..
We will see how my first new routine works….see you tomorrow?????
Happy Spinning and Knitting,
Cheryl <^..^>