Hand painting spinning fiber is the second step in making my yarn, and that is what this post is going to be about. BUT first I just have to share with you what has been consuming me this past week, and has made this post a few days later than I planned:)

I won’t go into details too much, but this is going to be a complete kit with our Newhouse Custom Carbon Fiber Circular Needles, 2 balls of handspun yarn, a stitch marker, the pattern, all in a little carry case…… The New Hue & Newhouse “Just Add Knitter” kit! will be making it’s first public appearance at Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival September 28th & 29th.
Now that I have that out of my system, back to the subject at hand!
Dyeing fiber can be done so many ways and every dyer has their favorite method. I’ve tried a few different methods and eventually settled down with my favorite combinations. First I always start by hand painting spinning fiber. This gives me my best chance at controlling the colors and their blending. Better control for me means more consistency when repeating colorways…..other say that I just have a control issue…lol.
Remember those fiber cinnamon rolls the last post? well here they are rolled out waiting to be hand painted. People have asked me many times why my packages of Bam Huey Spinning Fiber are of the unusual weight of 3 oz? Here is the answer….. The length of my dining room table with all the extensions can only hold the length of 3 oz. I love that table, and I am not getting rid of it, so 3oz packages of Bam Huey fiber it is!

Across from Dining/Dying room Table is my little dye studio. This is where I blend the colors, first in my mind, then with the dyes. I’ve enlarged this area, but it is such a mess right now I thought it better to share an older picture with you.

My inspiration for colorways comes from everything around me. I almost always have my camera with me to snap a picture of colors that catch my eye. Sky photos are my favorite to work with. It isn’t about the focus, but the colors. here is one of my favorites, how many layered shades of blue do you see!!!!

This one is destined to become a New Hue colorway!
Eventually I do get the dye onto the fiber
Last step is to wrap and roll up the fiber and steam away. After a few hours the fruits of my labor are hanging to dry.

I’ll leave the fiber to drying for now, and when I come back next time it will be time for SPINNING!!!! I will also give a little peak into what I am prepping up for Oregon Flock and Fiber.
Until next time,
Happy Spinning….and knitting too!
Cheryl <^..^>