I left off last night with a picture of the Big Table full of yarn. For those of you who know me or have seen pictures of my dining room table you may have recognized that this is NOT my table. I’m off Llama and puppy dog sitting. Hubby is at home taking care of the Bakery and taking care of shipping orders for New Hue Handspuns while I am relaxing in the peace and quiet. See my Blog header picture up above, that is what I get to see every morning from the big table! I’m here for nine days and I brought along all those projects I’ve been meaning to take care of but never seem to find the time. I decide that in nine days I should be able to get a good amount of work done. Lets break down the Big Table into project groups and a few days of blogging.
First up is Knitting projects that need finishing, and newly finished handspun skeins that need pictures taken and listed in the shop.

In this picture you can see 4 shawls that need some knitting! They are all Anne Hanson, Knitspot Designs. I would like to get at least 2 of these done while I am here. Hill Flowers, the greenish one in the in the top right corner, only needs 1/2 of one repeat to finish then it is time to kitchner it. The blue one in the bottom right corner is Sugarfrost. It has lots of bobbles and isn’t even half way done. I would really like to get this one done, but I’m betting a few repeats is all that will be done during the nine days. The purple in the left bottom corner is 100% cashmere and it is for me! Unfortunately being for me puts it at the bottom of the list, the other shawls must be done first so they are ready for display by the time the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival rolls around the 3rd week of April. Top left corner I REALLY want to get finished. The Flaming Swan has been on the needles for over 2 years! For the last year I have been hiding the mango container of 7 balls of yarn that are connected to the shawl behind my display at shows. It sure would be nice to just be able to hang the finished shawl next show. The skeins of yarn to the left are what I spun up during my trunk show at Yarntastic! last week. If the sun comes out during the nine days I hope to get some outdoor pictures of these skeins and get them listed in the shop. If you check out the center of the picture closely you can see the start of a blue fingerless mitt. I’ve been working on the mitts first. They are a custom order that needs to be done by the time I return home, because they ship out the next day! I now have one mitt done, and 2/3rds of the second one. Hopefully tomorrow night I will have pictures of the finished mitts.
It’s time for me to hit the hay, the sun comes up in about 4 hours and the critters will want to be fed, so it is off to bed for me. Tomorrow will be all about the project that takes up the middle section of the Big Table. For now I will leave you with a little more eye candy of my adventures last week…

If you look closely you can see the yarn for the unfinished Flaming Swan hiding behind the garden fence….I am SOOOOOO looking forward to getting this one done!!!!
Until next time, Happy Spinning and Knitting,
Cheryl <^..^>