March has blown by, here at last are the spun samples of The Green Comet!!!!

Greetings Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club members and followers. I’ve spun this month’s The Green Comet colorway in 5 ways. Be sure to check out the Youtube video on The Green Comet. My video making skills still have room for improvement, but the colors in the outdoor filming this time around make it worth checking out. Bam Huey 2017 Year Of Color Fiber Club, March.
First up as usual is the spun one end to the other, then Navajo 3 ply / chain ply. I’ve added this on to the year long scarf. Kinda looks like a little comet 🙂

I’ve knit the 4 remaining samples into this leg/arm warmer.

This is a pretty bright colorway this month so I’m focusing on ways to “tone down the brightness”.
I started knitting with the dark/light 2 ply. I folded the fiber in half and split, ending up with the darker colors spun on one bobbin and the lighter brighter colors on a second bobbin then plied them together. This still gives you all the color, just a little mixed. Does also make for a very barber pole yarn, and gives a tweedy look when knit up. A simple pattern works better, a complex pattern will tend to get eaten up with all the color.

I had a request for a cabled yarn this month. I hope to have a new spinning video done once we finished our move that shows all these yarns being made, but for now here is a close up of the Green Comet done in a 4 ply cable. I spun 2 matching singles, plied them together matching up the colors. I then wound that off into a center pull ball, plied in the opposite direction the dark end with the light end. This makes for a round solid yarn, great for outerwear, or projects that may take a lot of abuse when worn.

Spinning matching singles and plying them together is another way to keep the colors matched up if you don’t care for the roundness of the chain ply. There usually ends up with a little more gradual blending with the 2 ply than the chain plying.

Last but not least the way to mix the colors up the most! Split the fiber length wise into strips. The more strips, the more blended the colors. I did about 8 strips on each bobbin. I did keep them in the same direction, if you want even more blending, mix up which end you start spinning from. Ply the 2 bobbins.

I hope you have enjoyed The Green Comet, if you have any questions, ask away. I’m having a grand time playing with the April Colorway. April is my birth month, the theme is memories…..that means it’s going to be all about ME, which means there will be purple involved!!!! Be sure to check out the March video if you haven’t already. Hopefully the corrections will show for you on the video, some phones it will not. if not…. at 3:45 I really mean to say CABLE ply not chain….. at 6:50 the words I am searching for are knit and garter stitch……I really need to drink more coffee before filming…lol.
Until next time, Happy Spinning,