Purple Memories is the colorway for April in the Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color fiber club. The theme for the Spinning Box for April is Memories. We were asked to dye fiber in a colorway based on a memory. I couldn’t single out a memory, but one thing in common was that all memories involved the color Purple. I am a Purple Girl through and through. From the time I could identify color, all I ever wanted was Purple! It was never hard for people to choose things for me, as long as it was purple I would like it. I decided to use as many shades of purple this month as I could fit on the fiber. I split the 3 oz into 2 pieces. One piece is gradient dyed dark purple-light and white purple-dark purple. the second piece is layered with 4 purples. By the way, I do give purple a wide definition….basically anything that is remotely close to any shade of purple 🙂
Dark to light/white purple, to dark purple gradientLayered multiple purples 1/2 of Purple Memories
I started off with my usual spin. I spun each roll end to end then did a Navajo 3ply chain. You can see in the picture that the Purple Memories yarn is thinner than last month’s. I am intentionally using multiple thicknesses of yarn on the scarf to encourage spinners to combine their yarns, and not be afraid to use yarns of different WPI (wraps per inch) together in a project.
April Purple memories added on to the scarf.
Besides the scarf addition this month I also spun the fiber four more ways. First up is the 2 ply yarn. I spun the multi purple fiber end to end, then spun the gradient end to end, and plied them together.
Purple Memories Bam Huey. Multi purple plied against purple gradient.
Next up is some 2 color work. I spun the multi purple fiber into a 2 ply and spun the gradient into a 2 ply dark to light. I started off using each color for a few rows and did a slip stitch for some visual interest. I then switched over to using both colors at once and got some good practice in making even floats. I didn’t follow a pattern, just did what I felt like at the time.
color work with Bam Huey Purple Memories
I’m still enjoying and experimenting with a cable yarn. I’m pretty sure I will be making a coat with a nice thick 4 ply one of these days! I did this cable a bit thicker than last time. I spun the multi purple into a 2 ply, spun the gradient into a 2 ply, (light to dark) then plied the two yarns together for the cable yarn.
Purple Memories in 4 ply cable.
April video is up on YouTube HERE There are some sound problems and I am still learning how to deal with the changing light…..BUT I think you might enjoy seeing a bit more of the fiber and knit samples.
Chloroplast Blast! is the February colorway for the Bam Huey 2017 year of Color.
How about a nice close up Chloroplast Blast!
The Spinning Box theme for this month is Fruit Orchard. I always try to think a little outside the box when following a theme. I figured many of the contributions would be bright and juicy colors. I thought about what fruits would make a good color combination…….I thought and thought and thought…… but nothing came to mind that I had not done already. Finally it struck me, what is in EVERY fruit orchard?!?!?! Leaves! Yes those every-shade-of-green-under-the-sun leaves. Those beautiful leaves do so much of the work to produce those juicy fruits I figured they deserved the spotlight this month.
Knit samples of Chloroplast Blast!
I used 5 greens in a streak dying method, meaning that all color is painted on with the grain of the fiber. This is done mostly random with a little control….you know me, I can’t give up ALL control 🙂 The colors are then bled into one another to create even more shades of green. When the Bam Huey Fiber is spun across the top, one end to the other it creates a blended color. The well blended multi single can then be plied with bright colors to tone them down, or match one of the many shades of green with a solid green which will result in a slightly tweedy look once knit up.
Bam Huey Hat with random spun Chloroplast Blast in Sport and DK weight yarn.
The hat was knit with a DK weight for the ribbing and the body of the hat with a light sport weight. When spinning the yarn used for the body, I picked out the darker shades of green and spun them on one bobbin then spun the lighter shades on another bobbin and plied them together. The ribbing yarn I tried to spin larger sections of a color at a time rather than blending them while spinning. If you look close at the picture you can see some color difference, but not a whole lot.
This light weight Bam Huey Hat is only 1 1/2 oz!
I found the best way to show the different colors in Chloroplast Blast! was to spin the fiber one end to the other and Navajo ply. Here is the continuation of the Bam Huey 2017 Year if Color Scarf using the Navajo 3 ply.
Chloroplast Blast! added to the Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Scarf.
On of my favorite yarns to make is a 2 ply consisting of 1 ply very thin and colorful, and the other muted and fluffy. I forgot to take pictures of the yarn before knitting, but here are the tail ends which shows what I mean.
Thick and Thin plied
I also love knitting little purses in one piece on straight needles. I think what I do is some type of double knitting but have never looked it up to check. On this little purse I used the Chloroplast Blast with a thin ply of Burning Bush on one side and the other is the Chloroplast Blast with a thin ply of Calm Waters.
Chloroplast Blast! plied with lace Burning BushChloroplast Blast! plied with Calm Waters
Side view
I’ve done a video again this month, you can check it out here on youtube.
Hope you enjoy spinning the Chloroplast Blast. It will be listed in the shop Tuesday 2/28/17 for those of you who missed out on the Club!
January…. My Haute Couture will be ……..Forever in Blue Jeans.
January Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club shipments have been sent out. All January members should have their fiber in hand by now, unless you are in an area with weather issues delaying delivery.
The colorway each month is based on the colorway I develop for my monthly contribution to The Spinning Box. Each month has a theme and January’s is Haute Couture. High Fashion isn’t something I give a whole lot of thought to, so this theme required a bit of research for me. I started with looking at the hot colors for the coming year. A blue/grey caught my eye. I’m a country girl and my first thoughts when it comes to blue/grey is faded blue jeans. Blue Jeans are always in fashion, and about as high fashion as I ever get, thus what better name for January’s colorway than “Forever in Blue Jeans”.
Forever in Blue Jeans hanging to dry
I wanted to use a stripe and bleeding dye method for January and this blue/grey color works great for this method. I broke it down into 2 color groups, blue and grey. I chose 3 blues and 3 greys and did alternating stripes. Each color is then bled into the next creating shades of blue/grey. To see the color repeats on your fiber, unroll the fiber and fold into thirds length wise. This is demonstrated on the video this month.
I spun Forever in Blue Jeans 4 different ways using 1 oz for each sample. First off I spun from one end to the other, spinning across the top. I then Navajo Plied the single.
Navajo plied Bam Huey, Forever in Blue Jeans.
The 3ply/chain of the Navajo makes a round yarn. I did this in a high twist lace of about 18 wpi. In the knit sample you can see how this ply keeps the colors together.
Navajo Plied, January, Forever in Blue Jeans
My second oz of fiber I split the top length wise, spun each half on a separate bobbin then plied together. The colors are mostly kept together, with some barber-polling at the color changes. The knit sample shows the gradual color change of this fingering weight yarn on the top half of the Boot Toppers. The bottom half is done with the 3rd spinning sample.
Boot Toppers, top half 2 ply gradient, bottom half 2 ply light against dark.2 ply, spun gradientJanuary 2ply, light plied with dark.
The 3rd oz of fiber I split in half, width wise giving me a light half and a dark half. Spun each half on it’s own bobbin, then plied together. This is a very barber poll yarn that when knit up gives a tweedy look.
The 4th and final way I spun up the January Forever in Blue Jeans was to strip the fiber length wise as fine as possible.
January Forever in Blue Jeans, multi striped
I ended up with 72 strips from the 1 oz of fiber, spun half on one bobbin and the other half on another bobbin then plied together. The resulting yarn has some areas where the colors match up and others where they barber poll. This is a 2 ply lace of about 22 wpi
2ply lace, approx 22 wpi. fiber striped into 72 pieces spun 2 singles then plied. random matching and barber-polling of color.
knit up you get a combination of short burst of color, and muted blends.
2ply lace multi strips cowl.
There are as many ways to spin a fiber as there are spinners in the world. I hope that these four samples you give you some inspiration for spinning your January Bam Huey Fiber. Please feel free to share other ideas for spinning and pictures too!
The Forever in Blue Jeans colorway will be available to all at New Hue Handspuns by the end of the week.
The Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber Club is about to begin!
Dreaming, Planning, Waiting for the Color Explosion of Bam Huey.
I’ve extended the sales dates by special request until the end of the year. Midnight New Years’ Eve is the absolute end of the sale prices. This gives a chance for those of you who receive cash gifts for the holidays to get in on the huge discount on Bam Huey fiber! Starting January 1st 2017 you can still buy into the club, but it is at full price except for a small discount on the One Month at a Time listing.
So, what do you get with a Year of Color???? Each month I will be developing a new colorway in my Bam Huey line, (60% Merino 40% Bamboo). The colorway will come from my monthly contribution to The Spinning Box. On each Shop listing you can find a basic description of color and style of dyeing for the year. Your fiber ships by the 10th of the month. Each month I will spin samples of the colorway in several ways. About the 15th I will post pictures and details of how it was spun. I will also knit samples as time allows to show you how differently each yarn knits up.
This club isn’t about exclusive colorways, it is about giving you the best possible price on Bam Huey Fiber. The only catch to getting the best price, is purchasing it here at New Hue Handspuns before the end of the year!
Here is an outline of a month’s posting using my latest colorway……
First off, a picture of the new colorway, this one I developed for The Spinning Box’s December box, BollyWood.
BollyWood Colorway in Bam Huey
This is where I would tell you the story of how I developed the colorway……..
then show the BollyWood spun 4 different ways…..
BollyWood spun 4 ways
This is where I would explain how I used the fiber for 4 different results….
I’d probably throw in another drool worthy yarn picture just for the heck of it….
BollyWood Spun 4 ways
Then I would show pictures of the samples knit up…….well hopefully mostly knit up as time allows….
Bam Huey in BollyWood Knit up!
Last but not least this is where I will tell how I knit each sample up and sometimes I will even have a free pattern to add 🙂
Come join me for Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color for a month or two, or take on the whole year, it promises to be an explosion in color!
I need a studio, well it’s more like a shed, but I will turn it into my studio. As many of you know we are in the middle of a year long move into our New House. One of the last things I have to have before we can complete the move is a studio for New Hue Handspuns. The house is simply too small to run my business in. I’ve found a great solution. It is a Hickory Shed. There is dealer in Baker City that will deliver and set up a 10 x 20 pre-built shed with 2 windows, and door with window for just under $5,000. The snow is falling and it will be spring before I can have the shed delivered. Now I need to spend the next few months earning $5,000. The Hickory Shed company does have a nice rent to own program, but our life plan is to stay out of debt. We have been debt free for 2 years and I would like to keep it that way!
Many discussions have surfaced regarding fair pay for artists. Most of these discussions end with “artists need to charge for their time and talent to make a living wage” and “but no one will pay that much for it”. Today I have decided to take on the challenge of charging a fair price for my work. I have been working on a knit shawl design for about 5 months. I’ve written the pattern, test knit it, and will publish it on Ravelry soon. This shawl is the result of that 5 months of work.
Going To The Gorge Shawl
What better place to have a photo shoot for the Going to the Gorge than in the gorge! We manage to sneak in a trip to The Gorge just before a real big snow/ice storm hits. It was cold and windy so we had to be quick. Here are a few more pictures.
Flying in the Gorgewrapped up against the wind……Here comes the snow!
The shawl has over 225 hours of work in to it. It started out as ecru Bam Huey fiber that I spun for Spinzilla 2016. About 16 hours/1,600 yard of 2 ply yarn from the Spinzilla yarn went into this project.
2nd Place Spinzilla 2016
Designing and knitting the pattern took the majority of time. It is impossible to count the design hours, because I’m thinking and working on the pattern all day long while I do other work along with the actual hours of writing the pattern. Knitting time was well over 100 hours. 200 rows of any where from 400 to 588 stitches per row.
Going to the Gorge ala natural….
Hand painting the shawl was the final step…….12 hours of bending over this table and painting…….my back still hasn’t forgiven me for this…lol.
Hand painting done, waiting to go into the steamer
I used this picture to show the cramped and crowded basement space I’m working in…………now you know why I need a studio!!!!
Here is my challenge to you……. Help me get this shawl sold for a living wage, which in turn will help me purchase a studio! Now I would be the first to say, “Sorry, I would love to help, but there is no way I can afford that,” and that is true for so many of us. I’m just asking that you pass the word along, you never know who knows someone, who knows someone, who would love to own a one of a kind work of art, and have the means to support and invest in an artist’s lively hood.
Now it is time for me to focus on the Bam Huey 2017 Year of Color Fiber club. 12 months of new colorways….check out the details HERE at New Hue Handspuns
Rock has been the word for the weekend. If you have been checking up on me on facebook, you will see that I have had a 4 day long weekend to myself and I have spent most of that hauling rock! There was also lots of trimming, digging, hauling of junk, and rock stacking going on too. If I am doing my math right, I move about 600 pounds of rocks. I didn’t spend a penny this weekend, just used what was in the yard. I did have a few giggly moments while I was hauling rocks…… I kept thinking “some people actually pay for rocks…and here I am trying use up a bunch of rocks that are taking up space!!!” If you missed the facebook pictures here is the beginning and the end.
The BEFORE picture with junk, rocks, tree trimmings, and overgrown bushes.The New View of the Rock wall from my hide a way chair.
My Goal this long weekend, besides doing something with rocks, was to also get some work done on the website…..let’s just say that it hasn’t happened as much as I would like, but the good news is that I have been getting some knitting done.
I’ve had the Bam Huey Calm Waters for quite a few years and I have never been able to spin it up and knit with it. The colorway always sells out at fiber shows now matter how much I manage to dye up. This year I decided I would spin it up at Black Sheep Gathering, and no matter how much anyone begged I was not going to sell them the yarn. This time the yarn was for ME to knit up!!!! I love to ply a striped single with a semi-solid and I knew I had to do this with the Calm Waters. I plied it with Bam Huey High Tide. The sun is way too hot and bright on my new rock wall to get a real good picture of the 6 shades of teal/green/blue, but I couldn’t resist trying. Later on I will get a really nice picture of my new shawl once it is further along.
Calm Waters/High Tide new shawl in progress on the new rock wall
The rest of the afternoon I will hopefully be snapping pictures of yarn and listing them on the New Hue Handspuns Web Store. Would you believe I have over 150 skeins of yarn that are finished and NOT listed in the store!!!!!!!!! If I ever find a Genie in a bottle I’m going to wish for a Web store manager who would take care of all the mundane busy work of selling and promoting, and leave me to my creating!
I guess I had better get to the busy work of running a business…..Until next time,
Black Sheep Gathering is almost here! I started prepping for the show about 2 months ago. I knew MIL’s surgery/recovery would take up much of my time just before the show, so I had to start early. Of course I will have my fences full of handspun yarns, and a whole lot of hand painted spinning fiber. I did pretty good in the dyeing department. I will be taking 278 bags of hand painted Bam Huey Fiber, 56 bags of Baa Baa Huey Gradients, 67 bags of 1234 Huey 3 color gradients, 36 bags of my new line of Semi Solid Baa Baa Huey fiber, and to top it off 36 bags of Baby Camel Down. If I am doing my math right, that means I am taking 473 bags of spinning fiber to Black Sheep! OK spinners come and get it!!!!!!
278 bags of hand painted Bam Huey Fiber
I thought about doing a “Fiber Pit” for spinners, you know, like they have the ball pits for children to play in at fast food joints…..Could be fun, but I just haven’t quite figured out how to fit one in my booth at Black Sheep. I will have 473 bags of fiber at the show…….that’s a pretty good start to fill a spinner’s “Fiber Pit”!
I’ve been working on stuff other than painting fiber for Black Sheep. I’ve been making stitch markers and shawl pins.
Stitch Marker Tree for Black Sheep is filling up!
I will have a limited number of our Newhouse Custom Carbon Fiber Needles at the show, and as always I will be taking custom orders for the needles. You can stop by and do a little test knitting. Good news, Free shipping for all custom orders placed and paid for at Black Sheep Gathering. Remember to bring your cash or check book, because we will not be able to take cards at the show. I am happy to accept Paypal If you have a smart phone and can send a payment at the time of purchase.
Another big project in prepping for Black Sheep Gathering is booth planning. For the past 18 years of Black Sheep I have been lucky to share a booth with Duncan Carders. This year Black Sheep Gathering has moved into a new building and I thought this would be the purrrrfect time to get my own booth and quit crowding the Duncans out of their booth! I’ve been working on the booth lay out to get the most out of the 100 square feet. Biggest challenge I deal with now is finding enough space to try out the set up. I can only do about 6 feet at a time in our little apartment so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am doing my math right and that all will fit…lol. Here are some pictures of my test set ups….you really have to use your imagination. I will be sure to take pictures once I am set up at Black Sheep so you can see how these set ups really look:)
Yes this really will be the South wall of my Black Sheep Booth…..North West Corner where I will be spinning…
I’m in booth F-3, right up front by the doors to the concession stand and the ladies room……you just about HAVE to pass by me at some time, so be sure to stop by and say hello:)
Remember……. bring your cash or check book, because I will not be able to take credit/debit cards at the show. Paypal is fine If you have a smart phone and can send a payment at the time of purchase.
Back to the grindstone for me, for there are still yarns to be spun and shawls to be knit be for departure Thursday morning!
Why use words when you have pictures?????? That is my theme today:) Instead of trying to come up with all the words to explain what I have been up to these past few weeks, I’ve decided to use my pictures!
Dyed, Spun yarn and knit a shawl for church camp auctionabout 21,870 yards of cashmere singles I spun for Tanglewood ….spinning cashmere…so tough…lolEnjoying/needing my KeurigFood and gardening show is a purrrrfect break from work.Spun and knit up a set of Hand, Feet, and Ear warmers out of Baby Camel Down, Cashmere, and Merino.Working lunch: Planing BSG booth and watching Nascar!Rainbow Swiss Chard sproutingPlanted tomatoesneglected flower bed dug and planted with cucumbers.Carrot watch, the leaves mark the rows of freshly planted rainbow carrot seeds.weighing out fiber to dye for BSGMaking stitch markers for BSGTook pictures of the flowers blooming in the back yardHow’s this for AWESOME glowing yellow tulips!!!!
Well I used a few more words than expected, but I hope you enjoyed catching up with my past few weeks in pictures despite the extra words:)
It is almost time for SPINZILLA!!!! At the time of writing this there is about 30 hours to SPINZILLA……..and I am almost ready…lol…almost:)
I believe we all are born with talents and it is up to each of us to discover them and develop them to the fullest. Some people are whizzes with numbers, others accomplish amazing athletic feats. There are those who climb mountains, and those that swim across large bodies of water. Brave souls who sail around the world in tiny little boats all by them selves and those that leave the confines of earth and step into space, and don’t forget those that eat many hot dogs in just a few minutes!…….Me……. my talent is to spin. Nothing earth shattering, nothing that will be remembered after I’m gone, but I spin and I love it!!!!! I see spinning similar to riding a bike. You can take a lovely Sunday afternoon ride, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the view….. Or you can take your bike to the top of Pikes Peak and race down like the wind! Your hair blowing straight out behind you, heart racing , thrill ride of your life adventure. I’m the top of the mountain thrill ride type:)))))) So you can imagine that SPINZILLA is my kind of FUN! Here is my chance to show myself just what I can do….and the rest of you too:))))
Getting ready for SPINZILLA isn’t just about getting fiber ready, but also about setting the stage for success. First off you have to clear the calendar. I’ve told the family I am unavailable from the 6-12 of October. We are in the middle of selling our house and moving in with MIL but still everyone knows that Cheryl is UNAVAILABLE. No packing, no cleaning, nothing but spinning and the absolute least amount of time spent at the bakery and running the web store.
Next step is to stock up on the essentials. For me this is making up quick meals that I can fix and consume in a few minutes.
I’ve cooked up pasta, made a big pot of fat free sauce. There are eggs boiled for some quick protein and I will make lots and lots of little turkey sandwiches tomorrow. These are my favorite meals that my cranky old body will digest. My cooking during SPINZILLA will consist of a few minutes of microwaving or toasting…simple and quick!
Next up you need to have plenty of fiber to spin.
SPINZILLA fiber Prep
There is 10 pounds of Bam Huey fiber all rolled up and waiting to be dyed. (yes that is a special treat in the background, all low fat chips just for me!) I’m only dyeing up 6 pounds of this Bam Huey for SPINZILLA. I’ve been waiting for my dye order to arrive, but it must be stuck in customs. So this means I had to come up with an alternate plan. I have a secret order that I was planning to spin, but without the dyes I could not do it. I then decided to create a new colorway just for SPINZILLA and see just how much of it I could spin in 1 week. I dyed the fiber in the wee hours this morning and by evening here is the first batch drying.
What…..did you think I was going to show you the new colorway this early ?!?!?!?!?!?!
Nope, you gotta wait until I have a skein all plied up:)
I have also been getting my work area ready. I’ve emptied all my bobbins and the skein winder is at the ready.
Bobbins emptied and ready for Spinzilla
Miss Mini is empy and ready to spin, my chair is ready and waiting. The sad part is the chair will be going to the dump after SPINZILLA. The poor thing is comfortable, but it is falling apart. It is sad to see it go, but it is time…
Work area ready for SPINZILLA
Yes you can see the fiber hanging to dry, but the color really doesn’t show.
Last but not least one must get in the proper mood to spin for a week. How better than to watch a Godzilla marathon on TV?!?!? It would have been sooooo purrrrrfect for the Godzilla marathon to be on Sunday night just before the start of Spinzilla 12:01 AM Monday October 6th…… but I’m happy enough with a Saturday night marathon.
So to all of you who train to run marathons, climb mountains, or eat the most hot dogs, I salute you, for Monday I climb my Mount Everest, swim my English Channel, and race my amazing race….. On Monday I spin……… life doesn’t get much better than this:)
Sign ups for the team have been extended to Midnight Pacific Time JUNE 8th 2014. This is the last chance to purchase 2 new yarn/fiber lines at wholesale prices!!!!!
You may be asking yourself what is a New Line Launch Team. Short answer is that it is a way for Knitters, Spinners and Lovers of Hand Knits, to help me get a new handspun yarn and fiber line into my shop. What do the Team Members get out of it? Wholesale prices!
Starting a new handspun yarn and fiber line takes lots of work and money. Hard work isn’t an issue, I’m used to hard work and love long hours of spinning. It is money that I need to invest into a large fiber purchase. What the team members do for me is prepay for fiber and yarn which gives me the cold hard cash to make a large fiber buy. I will be selling a limited number of spots on the team for knitters, spinners, and lovers of Hand Knits. All kits will be sold at Wholesale prices! This is the first time I have offered handspun yarn, fiber and Hand Knits at wholesale prices to the public. This special pricing will only happen during the launch of a new yarn/fiber line, so grab it while you can because you will not see it for this price again!
How do you become a New Line Launch Team Member? Simple, purchase any kit! Spots on the team will be open from May 10, 2014 Through May 30, 2014. Warning, spots are limited and may sell out prior to the cut off date. Kits can be purchased here here at New Hue Handspuns.
I will be hosting a Knit and Spin Along at my Ravelry Group New Hue Handspuns Creations. Check out the group to see how New Line Launch Team members can receive discount coupons for New Hue Handspuns.com. There will be prizes awarded for team members, the more that participate, the more prizes.
Let’s get on to introducing the yarn!! Here it is at last, the Cam Huey and 1234 Huey handspun yarns and spinning fiber.
Handspun Cam Huey, Merino/Baby Camel Down
The Cam Huey handspun yarn is DK weight 2 ply yarn. The white, thicker rustic ply is 100 % Merino wool. The thin brown ply is Baby Camel Down. Talk about soft and strong! The lofty Merino gives strength and a big squooosh factor to the yarn, and the oh so soft Baby Camel Down just begs to be snuggled. I made an ear warmer/head band out of this yarn last Winter. It was so comfortable and warm, I only took it off to wash it once in a while. I was quite please on how durable the yarn was. The Cam Huey comes in a 200 yard skein.
1234 Huey 100% Merino Wool
The 1234 Huey handspun yarn is also a DK weight 2 ply yarn. Both plies are 100% Merino wool. I hand paint the fiber with 3 colors in a gradient style. I then spin the fiber in the color pattern of 1-2-3-3-2-1. This way you can create a scarf/project with matching ends. The skein for the scarf knit kit is 100 yards. The skein for the shawl size kit is 300 yards. There are 10 colorways for you to choose from.
Three of the colorways are pictured here, Beach, Mountain, and Forest. The remaining 7 colorways will be for those who want a bit of surprise to their package. I will only describe the colors, no pictures
1. Beach – Cream, Pale Green, Pale Blue.
1234 Huey in Beach colorway
2. Mountain – Purple, Bluish Purple, Blue.
1234 Huey – Mountain
3. Forest – Light Green, Dark Green, Brown.
1234 Huey – Forest
4. Ocean – Light Purplish Blue, Medium Blue, Dark Blue.
5. Meadow – Spring green, Medium Green, Dark Green.
6. Rose Garden – Bright Pink, Reddish Pink, Deep Dark Pink.
The Scarf Knit Kit has 500 yards of DK weight handspun yarn. Included in the kit are two 200 yard skeins of Cam Huey Handspun yarn and one 100 yard skein of 1234 Huey Handspun yarn, your choice from 10 colorways. Along with the yarn you will receive my new scarf/shawl pattern, created specifically for this yarn combination. The pattern will be available on Ravelry, or I can email a PDF copy to you, or a hard copy can be included with the yarn shipment if you prefer. There will be only 50 of these kits offered at the wholesale price.
The Shawl size kit is 3 times the size of the scarf kit. This kit includes Six 200 yard skeins of the Cam Huey Handspun, and one 300 yard skein of 1234 Huey Handspun. Along with the yarn you will receive my new scarf/shawl pattern, created specifically for this yarn combination. The pattern will be available on Ravelry, or I can email a PDF copy to you, or a hard copy can be included with the yarn shipment if you prefer. There will be only five of these kits offered at the wholesale price.
Spin kit with Forest
The Spin Kit will include all the fiber needed to make the 3 skeins of yarn in the Scarf size knit kit. Six ounces of Merino wool, two ounces of Baby Camel Down and two ounces of hand painted Merino wool. Be sure to join in the Spin along on Ravelry if you would like coaching on how to spin it up like Cam Huey and 1234 Huey. There will be only 50 of these kits offered at the wholesale price.
Do you love handspun hand knits, but you just don’t have the time or energy to spin and knit for yourself? Want to give someone a very special birthday or holiday gift? This is your chance to join the team and help support the New Line Launch! I will be offering VERY limited spots for Lovers of Hand Knits. There will be two finished Scarves offered and one finished Shawl. All hand knits will be dyed, spun and knit to order with your choice from 10 colorways. Expect 1-3 months for delivery. Your delivery date will be set when order is placed.
Scarf in Cam Huey and 1234 Huey – BeachShawl in Cam Huey and 1234 Huey – Forest
Launch Teams memberships will be available from May 10 – June 8th. No limit on how many of the kits you can purchase, but the total number of kits is limited to 50 Scarf Knit Kits, 5, Shawl Knit Kits, 50 Spin kits, and 3 Lovers of Hand Knits. USA shipping will be a $6 flat rate. I will ship international, but I am sorry to say that this time around I will have to charge actual shipping costs. I’ve always kept international shipping at a flat rate of $6, but I can’t afford to pay the additional shipping cost on wholesale purchases. International purchases will receive a paypal invoice for the actual additional shipping costs over $6 after purchase is made.
International orders will ship on Monday July14, 2014. USA orders will ship on Monday July 21, 2014. If all orders are completed ahead of schedule I will ship earlier!
Scarf Knit Kit : Retail price, $98 New Line Launch Team price, $58.80
Shawl Knit Kit : Retail price, $294, New Line Launch Team price, $176.40
Spin Knit Kit : Retail price, $48, New Line Launch Team price, $28.80
Finished Scarf : Retail price, $198, New Line Launch Team price, $118.80
Finished Shawl : Retail price, $594, New Line Launch Team price, $356.40
I’m excited to get the Cam Huey and 1234 Huey lines up and running, and am looking forward to getting to know the team! Come by Ravelry and introduce yourself in the group.
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