Rock has been the word for the weekend. If you have been checking up on me on facebook, you will see that I have had a 4 day long weekend to myself and I have spent most of that hauling rock! There was also lots of trimming, digging, hauling of junk, and rock stacking going on too. If I am doing my math right, I move about 600 pounds of rocks. I didn’t spend a penny this weekend, just used what was in the yard. I did have a few giggly moments while I was hauling rocks…… I kept thinking “some people actually pay for rocks…and here I am trying use up a bunch of rocks that are taking up space!!!” If you missed the facebook pictures here is the beginning and the end.
![Newhouse before](
![The New View of the Rock wall from my hide a way chair.](
My Goal this long weekend, besides doing something with rocks, was to also get some work done on the website…..let’s just say that it hasn’t happened as much as I would like, but the good news is that I have been getting some knitting done.
I’ve had the Bam Huey Calm Waters for quite a few years and I have never been able to spin it up and knit with it. The colorway always sells out at fiber shows now matter how much I manage to dye up. This year I decided I would spin it up at Black Sheep Gathering, and no matter how much anyone begged I was not going to sell them the yarn. This time the yarn was for ME to knit up!!!! I love to ply a striped single with a semi-solid and I knew I had to do this with the Calm Waters. I plied it with Bam Huey High Tide. The sun is way too hot and bright on my new rock wall to get a real good picture of the 6 shades of teal/green/blue, but I couldn’t resist trying. Later on I will get a really nice picture of my new shawl once it is further along.
![Newhouse Calm Waters Shawl](
The rest of the afternoon I will hopefully be snapping pictures of yarn and listing them on the New Hue Handspuns Web Store. Would you believe I have over 150 skeins of yarn that are finished and NOT listed in the store!!!!!!!!! If I ever find a Genie in a bottle I’m going to wish for a Web store manager who would take care of all the mundane busy work of selling and promoting, and leave me to my creating!
I guess I had better get to the busy work of running a business…..Until next time,
Happy Spinning and Knitting!
Cheryl <^..^>